Lake County, FL Marriage License Offices

Office 1/3
Lake County Courthouse

Office Type

Circuit Court

Physical address

550 W Main St, North Wing, 3rd Floor
Tavares, FL 32778

Mailing address

PO Box 7800
Tavares, FL 32778


(352) 742-4100


(352) 253-2642

Office hours

Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Payments accepted


Office 2/3
North Lake Branch Office

Office Type

Circuit Court

Physical address

Village Green
902 Avenida Central
Lady Lake, FL 32159


(352) 753-2064


(352) 750-2784

Office hours

Day Hours 1 Hours 2
Mon - -
Tue - -
Wed - -
Thu - -
Fri - -
Sat Closed  
Sun Closed  

Payments accepted


Office 3/3
South Lake Minneola Branch Office

Office Type

Circuit Court

Physical address

Minneola City Hall
800 N US Hwy 27
Minneola, FL 34715


(352) 394-2018


(352) 241-4546

Office hours

Day Hours 1 Hours 2
Mon - -
Tue - -
Wed - -
Thu - -
Fri - -
Sat Closed  
Sun Closed  

Payments accepted


Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Lake County where you can also apply for a marriage license.

22.74 miles away Has two offices
93,420 population Ranked 36/67 counties
$93.50 marriage license fee Same price
$61.00 course fee Same price
28.94 miles away Has three offices
422,718 population Ranked 13/67 counties
$93.50 marriage license fee Same price
$61.00 course fee Same price
29.06 miles away Has six offices
1,145,956 population Ranked 5/67 counties
$93.50 marriage license fee Same price
$61.00 course fee Same price

Lake County vs Florida

Below is a chart that compares Lake County's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Offices
    1. 1: Lake County Courthouse
    2. 2: North Lake Branch Office
    3. 3: South Lake Minneola Branch Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart