Saint John the Baptist Parish, LA Marriage License Offices

Office 1/2
Edgard Office

Office Type

Clerk of Court's Office

Physical address

2393 Hwy 18
Edgard, LA 70049

Mailing address

PO Box 280
Edgard, LA 70049


(985) 497-3331


(985) 497-3972

Office hours

  • It's 11:10am CST
  • Office is closed
Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Payments accepted


Office 2/2
Eastbank Office

Office Type

Clerk of Court's Office

Physical address

Arcuri Center Building
1020 Cambridge Dr
LaPlace, LA 70068


(985) 652-8041


(985) 653-8468

Office hours

  • It's 11:10am CST
  • Office is closed
Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Payments accepted

Money Order

Note: Cash is NOT accepted

Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Saint John the Baptist Parish where you can also apply for a marriage license.

Saint John the Baptist Parish vs Louisiana

Below is a chart that compares Saint John the Baptist Parish's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Offices
    1. 1: Edgard Office
    2. 2: Eastbank Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart