Leelanau County, MI Marriage License Office

Office 1/1
Leelanau County Office

Office Type

County Clerk Office

Physical address

8527 E Government Center Dr, Suite 103
Suttons Bay, MI 49682


(231) 256-9824


(231) 256-8295

Office hours

  • It's 10:16am EST
  • Office is closed
Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Payments accepted


Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Leelanau County where you can also apply for a marriage license.

37.29 miles away Has one office
17,525 population Ranked 65/83 counties
$20.00 residents fee Same price
$30.00 non-residents fee Same price
39.67 miles away Has one office
25,949 population Ranked 54/83 counties
$20.00 residents fee Same price
$30.00 non-residents fee Same price

Leelanau County vs Michigan

Below is a chart that compares Leelanau County's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Office
    1. Leelanau County Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart