Lewis and Clark County, MT Marriage License Office

Office 1/1
Lewis and Clark County Office

Office Type

District Court

Physical address

228 Broadway St
Helena, MT 59601

Mailing address

PO Box 158
Helena, MT 59624


(406) 447-8216


(406) 447-8275

Office hours

  • It's 10:02am MDT
  • Office is open
  • Closing in 6 hours
Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed

Payments accepted

  • Cash
  • Visa
  • MasterCard

Extra fees

4.40% surcharge added for credit/debit cards

Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Lewis and Clark County where you can also apply for a marriage license.

31.61 miles away Has one office
7,027 population Ranked 29/56 counties
$53.00 marriage license fee Same price
$53.00 common-law fee Same price
49.89 miles away Has one office
6,073 population Ranked 32/56 counties
$53.00 marriage license fee Same price
$53.00 common-law fee Same price
50.61 miles away Has one office
81,327 population Ranked 5/56 counties
$53.00 marriage license fee Same price
$53.00 common-law fee Same price

Lewis and Clark County vs Montana

Below is a chart that compares Lewis and Clark County's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Office
    1. Lewis and Clark County Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart