Eastampton, NJ Marriage License Office

Office 1/1
Eastampton Office

Office Type

Township Registrar Office

Physical address

Municipal Building
12 Manor House Ct
Eastampton, NJ 08060


(609) 267-5723 ext 209, 213, 200


(609) 265-1714

Office hours

  • It's 3:53am EDT
  • Office is closed
Day Hours
Mon -
Tue -
Wed -
Thu -
Fri -
Sat Closed
Sun Closed


By appointment only

Payments accepted

  • Cash
  • Check

Payable to

Eastampton Township

Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Eastampton where you can also apply for a marriage license.

1.69 miles away Has one office
9,536 population Ranked 247/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price
3.44 miles away Has one office
3,414 population Ranked 423/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price
3.86 miles away Has one office
8,813 population Ranked 257/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price

Eastampton vs New Jersey

Below is a chart that compares Eastampton's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Office
    1. Eastampton Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart