Township of Washington, NJ Marriage License Office

Office 1/1
Washington Office

Office Type

Township Registrar Office

Physical address

Health Department
350 Hudson Ave, 3rd Floor, Room 304
Township of Washington, NJ 07676


(201) 666-8512

Office hours

  • It's 2:22pm EDT
  • Office is open
  • Closing in 2 hours
Day Hours 1 Hours 2
Mon - -
Tue - -
Wed - -
Thu - -
Fri - -
Sat Closed  
Sun Closed  


By appointment only

Payments accepted


Payable to

Township of Washington Health Department

Nearby Locations

Below are the three locations closest to Washington where you can also apply for a marriage license.

1.66 miles away Has one office
10,219 population Ranked 236/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price
1.71 miles away Has one office
10,908 population Ranked 220/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price
1.94 miles away Has one office
4,078 population Ranked 398/543 cities/towns
$28.00 marriage license fee Same price

Washington vs New Jersey

Below is a chart that compares Washington's fees to that of the entire state.

Page Sections
  1. Top of the page
  2. Office
    1. Washington Office
  3. Nearby locations
  4. Price comparison chart